The meaning of Story PointsThere is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding when it comes to using Story Points. Let's clarify it.
What makes good Product OwnerOwnership over the product is often misunderstood. Organizations should have a clear Product Owner role definition to avoid confusion.
Agile does not work!There are many people out there saying that Agile does not work for them. Why is it the case? How can we fix it?
Solve props drilling - React Context is not the only optionIs Context API the only efficient way to avoid props drilling?
Toxic behaviors and how to prevent themWhat is toxicity? Should we even care? It there anything we can do about it?
Running Postman tests using CI has never been simplerAPI tests are part of Web Application development process. There are many tools out there with Postman being one of the simplest ones. Did you know it is possible to run it using CI?